• Your door will be open on the day and time your Lease starts. Please see your Lease for Lease commencement info. (Please see FAQs, "Where's my Lease" if you didn't save your Lease. Information regarding access codes will be inside upon your arrival. There are no early move-ins, or special early access granted. You may not store your things in the property prior to your Lease commencement. Just show up when your Lease starts, it's that easy!

  • Last fall you signed your Lease via Adobe e-Sign, their email is . When it was countersigned, you received the fully executed Lease packet via email, directly from Adobe E-Sign. If you, or a benefactor such as a parent/grandparent, need your signed Lease, please locate it in your own files/emails and provide it to them, if you so choose. As the Lease is signed via Adobe Sign, NOT, it is not available via the Innago portal. Remember, we can only discuss a Lease with the Signed members of the document. To protect the integrity of this Legal document, and the privacy of the Tenant, we do not generate copies, nor email them directly through our Lease on the Hill email servers.

  • It takes 60 days to return your deposit after your Lease expires. No sooner.

    Within 60 days AFTER your Lease expires you (the registered Tenant) will receive an email from., subject line “ACTION REQUIRED: Deposit Return Initiated”

    You must open this email and claim your Deposit Return within 5 days of receipt of that email.

    When you receive that email in Sept/Oct open it and click the button that says, “Confirm Bank”to choose from the following options:

    1. The best, safest, and fastest option is to select a bank account you have previously registered with Such as a bank account you’ve previously paid an Innago invoice with.

    2. Or you can choose to enter a new bank account. You’ll have to verify a new account if you choose that, which adds time and potential user error.

    3. The slowest, and most failure prone method, is to click the link that says, “I cannot receive these funds in a bank account”. If you click that you’ll be prompted to enter a mailing address and Innago will mail a check to it. In our experience, folks often either mis-enter their mailing address, or don’t write their name on their mailbox, causing checks to be lost or returned. Choose carefully.

    Parents and benefactors, we cannot directly "mail you a check" from our office; the only way to return a deposit is via the Tenant's account. As parents and benefactors are not signed members of the Lease, we cannot discuss any part of the executed Lease with them.

    Other helpful info:

    Please note, if you never contributed to the original security deposit for a house it is not possible for you to receive a deposit return. Lease on the Hill cannot give a deposit back to someone who never paid one to Lease on the Hill. To check if you paid into a deposit, click the “Payment History” tab on your Innago account. You’ll see the full history of your invoices. If you do not see one that says refers to Security Deposit that means you didn’t pay into one. This commonly occurs with disorganized Tenant groups who did not have definitive tenant list at the time of Lease signing. If a roommate paid your deposit on your behalf, then Lease on the Hill is required to return funds to the paying roommates. Lease on the Hill is not your bookkeeper, inquiries regarding your payment history will not receive reply. Please do not expect an individual reply to security deposit questions send prior to 60 days after Lease expiration.

  • Step one is to get a full group of CU students together. We onIy rent to complete groups, no individuals. If you’re looking to sign or tour a 5 person house, please email with all 5 of your emails, and introduce yourselves.

  • All payments are made through We cannot accept any other forms of payment. If your parent or benefactors need access to your account, please provide them your login (usually your .edu email), and password.

  • Log into your portal, and click the Maintenance Request tab. Write a thorough description, don't forget to submit clear photos/video.

  • Submit an Maintenance Request via Innago and request the sublet form be sent to you via Adobe Sign.

  • No early move-ins. No late move-outs. No storage of items before/after your Lease. This includes any attempts to place storage pods on the property. Please do not contact us to ask for an exception.

  • Lease on the Hill cannot provide private contact information for any Tenant, current, future nor past. Please do not ask us for private contact information.

  • Any items left in a house after a Lease expires will be disposed between Leases, no exceptions, please do not contact us to ask.

  • If you need to pay your rent by a schedule other than the one listed on your Lease/ you may do so. Please note, the financing fee is 5%, Innago will list this as a Late Fee by default. Please submit a Maintenance Request to inform all members of the Lease of what your payment plan is. Lease on the Hill does not need to be involved with approving or disapproving of your plan, but you do need to make sure to communicate with all your roommates and the Landlord of your plan.